Ms Dos 622 3 Disk Download Rating: 8,6/10 1893 votes

Dave, I don't want to bust your bubble but your reply won't and doesn't work. The same error that has plagued all others that came before you has reared it's ugly head. By following your instructions, after booting to the cd (which will work), you get a message to 'Insert Setup Disk #1'. I have searched for a couple of years for a solution to this and can't find one.


Someone wrote that the setup.exe file is written to look at a floppy drive and will not install from any other drive. I am nowhere near your expertise but I know this answer won't work. I tried it myself. If you can figure this one out you will prove you are a genius and we will worship you as the tech god. Have a good one Dave.

MS-DOS 6.0 includes many new utilities and features, including a disk defragmenter, disk compression, anti-virus, a new backup system, and pc-pc file transfer tools. It was heavily criticized as buggy by the media, primarily due to file corruption issues with DoubleSpace and the lack of tools to repair such issues. › Serial Port Communication Under MS-DOS 6.22 › need to load dos 6.22 from upgrade disks › DOS 6. 22 install keeps failing › Why does 486 board hang on DOS 6.22 floppy boot › Cannot get DOS to see second HDD › Non-system disk or disk error!!!! › where can i find format command for ms dos 6.

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The setup.exe file is written to look at a floppy drive and will not install from any other drive.' Actually the setup looks for the disk ID files on each disk.

Inside that disk ID file it says something like 'DISK 1', 'DISK 2, & 'DISK 3', with the spaces between the word and numbers. This is why the files have to be kept in their respective 'installation groups'. The appropriate disk ID has to be with it's group of files. This is why you can't just dump all the 'raw' source files into one directory. The disk ID file has the same name across all three disks, and would be overwritten.

On the first disk there's an information file which correlates the different files with those three ID's. If this was edited to look for all files in one location. Or, keep the seperate groups in different folders on the CD, and when it asks for 'DISK 2 of the set', point it/redirect it (the install) to the location where it will find that disk ID file for that group. I appreciate your response. I do not claim to be an expert and that is why I am here in this forum. I like to learn new things. Since posting my first post on this subject I have been lucky enough to find what I think is the install cd I have heard about but was never able to find.

It came with a bootdisk image file to start the installation and all the rest of what is needed to do the install from the cd. I made the boot floppy and have now created a boot image to use on the cd. If all goes well the cd should boot and go right into the setup program. I looked at the directories and files and noticed that all the DOS files have already been expanded so I guess that they are just copied to the DOS folder. I will be trying it shortly and will let you know if it works and how well it works.

If this is the elusive cd I have been looking for for over two years I believe it will work. I will let you know. Thanks again for your response.

It is always nice to learn something new from someone who explains and doesn't ridicule. I tested the DOS 6.22 install CD and it worked perfectly. Now all that is left to do is edit the autoexec.bat and config.sys files to have the install include CD -ROM drivers and it should be as good as it gets.

When the install CD boots the computer the CD-ROM drivers are loaded to access the cd for the install but when you reboot after the install in completed there are no drivers loaded for the cd's. Minor problem.

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