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I am interested in the game, but I don't want to see nudity or pornography while playing. Violence and language aren't exactly the same thing and this is a matter of personal preference more than anything else. I would appreciate it if all those who comment remain civil and avoid being condescending. Pornography isn't the same thing as violence and language.

New full game nude DOWNLOAD Wonderful nude skins for Tomb Raider games past. Metro Last Light nude skin Bulletstorm,Saints Row 2,Saboteur,Witcher 2,Dark. Would be the same for ANY steam game but for the executable names.

It is a matter of personal preference. I simply wondered if anyone made a mod that would allow me to play the game the way I want. If you don't have anything helpful to say than don't comment on this thread. Originally posted by:Obviously, no one is interested in being helpful and useful. I'm sorry I bothered with the community. It's not that, I just think no one knows how the remove it That being said the lap dance part is fully skip able, your given the option to walk out and avoid having the lap dance. You can just run through the night club as well to skip anything else As for the boob slip it's only for less then one min and you can either turn the monitor off or go make a coffee or something That's it as far as I remember.


Seriously I lol at religious 'people', one big religion has a confirmed pedophile as their prophet and but they dress their woman in potato sacks so men wont be tempted to♥♥♥♥♥♥them, another big religion fights abortion and sex education like its the reason for EVERY problem in the world (in reality its the other way around). People like you are very dangerous, you are so sexually repressed that you have no basic understanding in sexuality and it always ends with♥♥♥♥♥♥ P.S. Adobe illustrator cs 11 portable free download. The game is awesome and 'sex scene' is skip-able, enjoy.

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Originally posted by:Seriously I lol at religious 'people', one big religion has a confirmed pedophile as their prophet and but they dress their woman in potato sacks so men wont be tempted to♥♥♥♥♥♥them, another big religion fights abortion and sex education like its the reason for EVERY problem in the world (in reality its the other way around). People like you are very dangerous, you are so sexually repressed that you have no basic understanding in sexuality and it always ends with♥♥♥♥♥♥ P.S.

The game is awesome and 'sex scene' is skip-able, enjoy. Yeah very true but these people literally are psychologically incapable of seeing things from our point of view, and vice versa. So nothing is achieved by either insulting or teaching someone of another viewpoint in the matter.

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